Вчера я приносил печеньки и чай, а сегодня хаос и разрушения. Я разносторонняя личность
please believe me
i'm estatic for you
well why should i pretend
i have nothing to lose
no i don't compare
you've got it all wrong now
my sorrows left behind
let me tell you the truth
(i feel nothing but) joy and pride and happiness
(nothing but) a cheerful face with kindness
(i feel nothing but) oceans of love and forgiveness
for you and your sweet girl
(please ignore the) particular way i smile
(take no notice of) the blood on the lip i bite
(i'm still your friend) there's no denying
for you and your new girl
yes i remember
everybody has affairs
oh yeah we had some fun
but she's so perfect for you
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i'm estatic for you
well why should i pretend
i have nothing to lose
no i don't compare
you've got it all wrong now
my sorrows left behind
let me tell you the truth
(i feel nothing but) joy and pride and happiness
(nothing but) a cheerful face with kindness
(i feel nothing but) oceans of love and forgiveness
for you and your sweet girl
(please ignore the) particular way i smile
(take no notice of) the blood on the lip i bite
(i'm still your friend) there's no denying
for you and your new girl
yes i remember
everybody has affairs
oh yeah we had some fun
but she's so perfect for you
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М? Спасибо. Просто..наверно половина слов про мну.Ведь не все так просто...*опустил голову*
Знаю. ПОнимаю Но все же больно........
Да..очень и очень грустная(((( очень............